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Amazing write-up!

I remember in mid 2021 mentioning to some friends that while mask mandates were a defensible idea, it wasn't clear just how effective masks actually were.

Well, you'd think I just killed somebody based on the reaction I received, and these were smart and well-educated people. I mentioned the research the CDC itself based their recommendations on, and offered to share it. Nobody had any interest.

One of my friends is a doctor and had a similar reaction when I suggested masks might not be as effective as had been suggested. I sent him the CDC research and he was blown away by the differences between the strength of the masking recommendations/requirements/rhetoric, and the quality of the science.

Of course, during the pandemic, it was going to be difficult to conduct high-quality studies to definitively demonstrate mask effectiveness, but leftists acted as if the evidence in favor of masking was overwhelming, when it never was. They used phrases like, "masks work", as if it is binary question.

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